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This book takes to heart Matthew 13:52: “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of the household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

Although Stoicism dates back to Greek and Roman times, its influences have never waned. This philosophy has underpinned the way of life of individuals and groups for hundreds of years. Twelve Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon have successfully incorporated its key ideas to help many thousands of people. I have been sober for 29 continuous years after drinking for 25 years and can attest to the effectiveness of Twelve Step programs.

Stoic principles are used in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. This book also examines a cross section of people who have utilized Stoic principles in their lives of service to others. Stoicism has proven to be a reliable scaffold for people determined to make a difference in their community, sometimes against formidable opposition. I believe this book will help to inspire a wide range of people to navigate their way through life, stoically.

Edward Sianski

Born in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany, Edward Sianski accompanied his parents to Australia in 1949 where they eventually settled in Tasmania. His brother Danny arrived 11 years later. Edward married Monica in 1972 and they have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. A trained primary school teacher and then teacher-librarian, he worked initially in state schools and was eventually employed by the Catholic Education Office for over 30 years. Before the onset of alcoholism, he acquired a Diploma of Teaching and in sobriety attained a BA (Hons), a Bachelor of Philosophy, a Diploma of Dementia Care and a Religious Education Certificate His dog, Wolfgang, has the Dogdorate. Edward is now retired and enjoys quality time with Monica, walking the dog and going to the gym among many other pursuits.